Our historySuccess by means of change

More than 100 years of the Vollmann Group

When the first Monte Carlo Rally took place in the Principality of Monaco in 1911, brothers Otto and Adolf Vollmann laid the foundation stone of today’s Vollmann Group 1,100 kilometres north in Gevelsberg.  At the time, nobody suspected that Vollmann would now be a part of the automotive world, and that technology from North Rhine-Westphalia would be incorporated into almost every series-produced vehicle, because it all started with the manufacturing of bulb holders for Edison’s great invention 113 years later, the family business has undergone some fundamental changes. Despite setbacks, Vollmann survived two World Wars and global economic crises by having new ideas and perseverance. How did the bulb holder company become a successful automotive supplier? What distinguishes the Vollmann Group today, and where do its perspectives lie?

Immerse yourself in our history.

Takeover of a large part of the Scheideler company in Borgentreich, Germany
Takeover of Baumgarten Kft. in Ete, Hungary.
Takeover of part of Meleghy Automotive in Lauter-Bernsbach, Saxony.
Takeover of Westfalia Presstechnik GmbH & Co. KG in Crimmitschau, Saxony.
Takeover of WGS Stamping Kft. In Szántód, Hungary.
Expansion of the Vollmann Group with the Nauroth location.
Expansion of the Vollmann Group with the Elterlein location.
Takeover of MetalWorx Plana s.r.o in Planá nad Lužnicí, Czech Republic.
Acquisition of AZ Ausrüstung und Zubehör GmbH & Co. KG in Hattingen (North Rhine-Westphalia).
Establishment of Vollmann Lege s.r.o. by taking over OFK Lege s.r.o.
Purchase of majority shareholding in Synteks Umformtechnik GmbH in Zwönitz.
Expansion of the Scheibenberg site.
The Vollmann Group celebrates its 100th anniversary.
Takeover of the stamping area of Pampus Automotive GmbH & Co. KG in Remscheid.
Commissioning of another press facility in Scheibenberg.
As a result of the major financial crisis and the resulting global economic recession, consistent implementation of a consolidation program and, as part of this, the sale of the Hohenlockstedt and Seebach locations with simultaneous expansion of activities at the Scheibenberg plant.
Sale of the lighting technology division to Vossloh-Schwabe Deutschland GmbH due to consistent strategic realignment.
Foundation of N.I.E.R. Stanz- und Umformtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, manufacturer of precision stamped and drawn parts with manufacturing sites in Remscheid and Hohenlockstedt (TIER 1 / TIER 2 automotive supplier).
Takeover of MULTICON GmbH Spritzgießtechnik in Kunststoff (plastic injection moulding technology) in Seebach near Eisenach. Manufacture of plastic components for the automotive supply industry.
Expansion of injection moulding activities to include the telecommunications industry.
Takeover of Ernst Jörgens Plastik- und Gummiwarenfabrik GmbH, Wermelskirchen, manufacture of plastic components for the automotive supply industry. Integration of the area into the Gevelsberg plant.
Establishment of Vollmann-Service, Welzow / Brandenburg. Assembly of components and other logistical services for the lighting and automotive industries.
Development of the Vollmann special machine construction department, automation technology for the automotive and electrical industries.
Establishment of Vollmann Umformtechnik in Scheibenberg / Saxony with takeover of this facility from Nier Umformtechnik. Stamping and (transfer press) deep drawing technology for the manufacture of components for the automotive and lighting industry.
Participation in the ALUX company (now Alux-Luxar GmbH & Co. KG), Korschenbroich. Manufacturer of aluminium reflectors.
Establishment of a logistics centre at the Gevelsberg location as a result of disproportionate growth as a consequence of trend-setting new developments in the field of components for spotlights and low-voltage systems.
Dipl.-Kfm. Axel Vollmann is the 3rd generation to join his parents' company.
Expansion of the production program by introducing thermoplastics.
Introduction of Edison holders made from Duroplast.
After the war, Otto Vollmann (2nd generation) rebuilds the company at the Gevelsberg site with just five employees.
After parting ways with Adolf Vollmann, the company's name changes to Otto Vollmann. Specialization in the electrical sector.
Establishment of the Gebrüder Vollmann (Vollmann Brothers) company by Otto and Adolf Vollmann in Gevelsberg. Manufacture of metal goods and Edison holders made of metal and porcelain.
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